Experience Types Add-On – Custom VR Session Types
Introduction “Experience Add-On” is a purchasable add-on for Synthesis VR Essential Access . Modules & Add-Ons are purchasable features that increase the functionality and capability of the Synthesis VR platform. The “Experience Add-On” allows you to create and manage custom VR Session Types.. Additional Notes: 14. The minimum number of stations that can be booked for the particular experience can be defined using Minimum number of stations in a session. 15. The maximum number of stations that can be booked for the particular experience can be defined using Maximum number of stations in a session. 16. Difference in minutes on the calendar allows you to decide the time difference in between the booking slots. 17. If this Experience Type is for all stations, then choose “Yes” from the “Complete Stations Booking” drop down menu. This will be most useful for walk in sessions for a full venue and will save a few steps. This would also be good for online bookings for full venue reservations. If this is for individual stations or anything less than the full venue booking, then choose “No” from the drop down menu. 18. Once you’ve entered in all the necessary (and optional) sections, you will see that the “Save” button is now solid and clickable. Click that to save, otherwise your edits will be lost. If you want to exit and start over click the tiny “x” button in the top right of the window or click the “Hide” button at the bottom of the window.