Free Commercial Licensing

Ubisoft Eagle Flight Arcade & Space Junkies Arcade Absolutely FREE! Los Angeles – June, 2020 Ubisoft is offering Eagle Flight Arcade and Space Junkies Arcade FREE from July 7th (12am EST) to September 30th (11:59pm PST) for all location based virtual reality entertainment centers all over the world. If you have not subscribed to Eagle Flight Arcade and Space Junkies Arcade through SynthesisVR, do not miss out on this once in a lifetime opportunity. If you have already subscribed to both games through SynthesisVR, there are no extra steps needed. Eagle Flight Arcade Developed exclusively for Virtual Reality Eagle Flight sends you to the skies of Paris to experience the freedom of flying like never before! As an eagle, you soar past iconic landmarks and dive through narrow streets to fight opponents and protect your territory. 50 years after humans vanished from the face of the Earth, nature reclaimed the city of Paris, leaving a breathtaking playground. As an eagle, you soar past iconic landmarks, dive through narrow streets, and engage in heart-pounding aerial dog fights to protect your territory from opponents.   Space Junkies Arcade A multiplayer virtual reality game like non other! Strap on that jetpack and prepare for lift-off with Space Junkies shooter experience! a PVP, skill-based Virtual Reality First Person Shooter where you face-off against other players in orbital arenas. With attackers coming at you from every direction, you will never feel safe again… Dodge, weave and navigate at breakneck speed! Full Virtual Reality embodiment allows you to use your hands and body to manipulate intuitively your environment and weapons, while full use of motion controllers brings you right into the gun-slinging action and allows you to create elaborate hand gestures or straight-up shenanigans. How to take advantage of this opportunity? Do not miss out on this once in a lifetime opportunity, this is a great way to bring customers and retain them by offering a great single player experience for all ages through Eagle Flight or multiplayer competitive experience with Space Junkies Arcade. Holding Space Junkies tournament is another awesome way to hype your location, get customers visiting your location and creating buzz in your local community, the best part is you do not have to pay any license fee and its absolutely FREE during this period. For more details on Eagle Flight arcade please visit: For more details on Space Junkies arcade please visit: SynthesisVR is a premium management and content licensing platform for location-based entertainment centers around the world. To take advantage of this opportunity or to learn more about SynthesisVR please email