How Can We Help?
As explained, the booking widget just utilizes the API and gives a ready to use example. However, in many cases, that may not be enough and as you may want to better match your website design, integrate your own payment processor, use a different language and so on.
What usually would be enough is to open the widget page, copy all the source code in your own site and start editing the HTML / Javascript.
However, this still may not be sufficient for some of you, so here comes the direct API integration. If you are not a developer and you don’t have such on hand, please stick to the widget. The next would just confuse you unnecessary.
URL = Method = GET
Resource = /web/<public_key>/availability
Accepted parameters:
Parameter | Format | Description |
people | Integer | the number of VR stations you wants to book |
experience | Integer | the id of the experience type. If not provided, SynthesisVR would use the first experience type that is assigned on the widget |
date | String ; YYYY- MM-DD |
A date that isn’t in the past |
duration | Integer | a duration that exists under your work hour rules |
customer_token | String | (optional) A token obtained via the
/web/<public_key>/customers/auth API call |
JSON Response:
Name | Type | Description |
balance | String | Shows the balance for the given customer_token or $0.00 if no balance is available |
coupons | Array |
Shows the available vouchers against the given customer_token. Some vouchers may not appear if they are not allowed for the desired “people” ; “experience” ; “date” and “duration” parameters |
dows | Integer Array |
From 0 to 6. Points to the days of the week when reservations can be booked. 0 = Monday ; 6 = Sunday |
special_days | Array | If a day of the week is disabled via the dows parameter, but there are exceptions. |
stations | Key – Object pairs | The key refers to experience type id. Check the “Experience Type Object” for the object values. |
times | Key – Object pairs | Represents the daily availability. Check the “Availability Object” for detailed description. |
Experience Type Object:
Name | Type | Description |
book_all | Boolean | This reservations requests to book all stations. |
descr | Text | Description of the experience type |
durations | Integer Array | Available durations in minutes |
pcs | String Array | The SynthesisVR IDs of the VR stations |
pos | Integer | If there are multiple experience types – the position of the current one |
stations | Integer | The total number of PCs under this experience type |
title | String | Title of the experience type |
Availability Object:
Name | Type | Description |
cost | Float | The final cost to be charged per station |
endTimePre | Timestamp – ISO 8601 |
A timestamp object pointing to when the session would end |
moreOptions | Key – Object pairs | Additional paid options for the current object |
precost | Float | The cost per station before discounts |
startTime | String | The startTimePre parameter in a human readable format |
startTimePre | Timestamp – ISO 8601 |
A timestamp object pointing to when the session would start |
stations | Integer | The number of available (free) stations. |
value | Time String – format HH:MM |
The “time” value to be used with the /web/<public_key>/book API call |
URL = Method = POST
Resource = /web/<public_key>/customers/validateEmail Accepted parameters:
Parameter | Format | Description |
String | (optional) Email string to validate |
JSON Response:
Name | Type | Description |
status | Boolean | True = there is a customer with such email address. You could proceed to authentication. False = no such customer exists. You could proceed with a signup process |
URL = Method = POST
Resource = /web/<public_key>/customers/auth
Accepted parameters:
Parameter | Format | Description |
String | Email string to authenticate | |
password | String | (optional) Password related to the given email |
service | String | (optional) The name of an authentication service. Example: “facebook” |
serviceString | String |
(optional) The value to be authenticated for the given service string. |
JSON Response:
Name | Type | Description |
cc | String |
Last 4 digits of the CC associated with the account (e.g. XXXX1234) |
msg | String | Text description of the API call result |
name | String | Customer name |
pm | String | “0” = No payment method and no CC data collection is needed |
status | Integer | 1 = Authenticated ; 0 = Invalid credentials |
token | String | A string to be used with the AVAILABILITY and BOOK API calls |
URL = Method = POST
Resource = /web/<public_key>/customers/create
Accepted parameters:
Parameter | Format | Description |
String | Email string to authenticate | |
password | String | (optional) Password related to the given email |
service | String | (optional) The name of an authentication service. Example: “facebook” |
serviceString | String | (optional) The value to be authenticated for the given service string. |
name | String | Full customer’s name |
additional | JSON key-value pairs |
Additional information to keep per customer. Example: {“birthday”:”1st April, 1985″,”phone”:”12135559999″} |
The API response is the same JSON as for:
- /web/<public_key>/customers/auth
URL = Method = POST
Resource = /web/<public_key>/customers/updateCC Accepted parameters:
Parameter | Format | Description |
customer_token | String | The token obtained from an “auth” or “create” API call |
json | JSON key-value pairs |
The complete CC data. See below for field description. Note: the key-value pairs may vary between the payment processors |
JSON Response:
Name | Type | Description |
status | Integer | 1 = Success ; 0 = Failure, use “msg” to lookup the error |
msg | String | Text description of the error. |
PayPal Here – JSON object:
Name | Type | Description |
credit_card | Integer | 1 = Success ; 0 = Failure, use “msg” to lookup the error |
security_digits | String | Text description of the error. |
exp_date1 | Integer | CC expiration Month |
exp_date2 | Integer | CC expiration Year |
first_name | String | First Name |
last_name | String | Last Name |
cardholder_address | String | Address of the CC owner |
cardholder_city | String | City |
cardholder_country | String | Country |
cardholder_state | String | State |
cardholder_zip | String | ZIP code |
cardholder_phone | String | Phone number |
URL = Method = POST
Resource = /web/<public_key>/customers/assignVoucher Accepted parameters:
Parameter | Format | Description |
customer_token | String | The token obtained from an “auth” or “create” API call |
code | String | The voucher / coupon code |
JSON Response:
Name | Type | Description |
status | Integer | 1 = Success ; 0 = Failure, use “msg” to lookup the error |
msg | String | Text description of the error. |
URL = Method = POST
Resource = /web/<public_key>/book Accepted parameters:
Parameter | Format | Description |
date | String | The reservation date. Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
time | String |
The time of the reservation. Format HH:MM. Use the “value” parameter from Availability Object |
people | Integer | Refers to the number of stations to be reserved. Use the “stations” parameter from the related Availability Object |
experience | Integer | Use the same value that you passed to the availability API call |
duration | Integer | Use one of the values for the “durations” parameter from the related Experience Type Object |
customer_token | String | The token obtained from an “auth” or “create” API call |
coupons | Integer |
Use an integer value from the “coupons” parameter that comes in response for the availability API call |
comment | Text | Pass any string / text and it would appear as a customer comment on the reservation. |
pcs | String |
(optional) Comma separated integer array with the SynthesisVR id’s of the involved VR Stations |
externaluuid | UUID String | (optional) You can supply a session id coming from a third party system. The value can be used for retrieving the Synthesis session through the API |
JSON Response:
Name | Type | Description |
uuid | String | 1 = Success ; 0 = Failure, use “msg” to lookup the error |
msg | String | Text description of the error. |
additional_uuids | String |
In case your booking requires the creation of multiple reservations, the uuids of all reservations would be populated here |
cost | Float |
The cost that is charged (if payment method is attached to the widget) or that would have to be charged on site |
datetime | String |
A text representation of the start time of the reservation. Example: 2017, November 30 – 10:00 |
experience | String | The title of the experience type |
voucher_code | String | The voucher code that have been used (if any) |